It's been a month since my last post in this blog. which I am busy with internship stuff, assignments, and final exam.
I had spend almost 50% of my time on resume, cover letter, seeking company, browsing jobstreet (daily), preparing interviews...though it is trouble me a lot, but honestly speaking, those experience really benefit my career profile.
Since last post which I had stated regarding to the CIMB internship application, I had also sent my application to Public Mutual as well, but Public Mutual is dealing and respond on my application in very simple way, they just reject directly without passing here passing there, which I more prefer this kind of working style.
Since then, I lower down and loose my prefer job scope and start to sent my application elsewhere, private, government, public listed, and else. And result from this, I had sit for 4 interviews so far in one month's time, and now I had consider myself damn good in handling interview already~haha ~
Well, actually this post is my sharing on my interview experience. And my first interview is regard to KWSP permanent job application after my graduation, but not internship~:P, which KWSP had visit my campus on recruitment purpose. As time is limited and applicants are quite a number, thus the interview go along with 4 applicants each session with 2 interviewers.
The interview started by HR interviewer ask us to introduce our self (which the same thing goes to my another 3 interviews as well, therefore for my junior, remember to practice how to introduce yourself~haha). After that, interviewer look at our resume and ask us questions randomly regarding on information stated on our resume. Next, interviewers ask our understanding on "1 Malaysia" concept, lol~. and following question is our prefer KWSP division if we being hired. And finally, the interview ended with one decision making question, the case provided to us was generally like this, a train almost to arrive a railway fork, which right railway with 9 peoples ahead, and left side with 3 peoples ahead, and we have to decide which railway to pick though choose either one will sacrifice human life, and we have to clarify the reasons which contribute to our final decision.
And of course, interviewer will give us chance to ask questions before we leave. Well, this is my first interview experience, and so far for this post, coming up post will continue on my other interview experience.
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2 days ago
Was the interview conducted in english or bm?
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