Just watch Malaysia end their title dream in Thomas Cup, which defeated by China team, no sad feeling though bad news it is, as this is an expected result when you look at the facts and status.
Back to the point, this post is my last post on my interview experience for internship job seeking. Same as OE Design as for last post had mentioned, OSK internship application also applied on JobStreet as well. Actually this job is OSK investment bank graduate associate program, which the program aim on training new blood at their investment banking front office operation.
OSK HR call me up for an interview after 1 week from my application (which they mentioned it as "interview" in both phone conversation and email, and well actually it is not for the first time), well, on that time, I am so delighted after hearing their response though it is an interview only, which I willing to spend almost RM200 (preparing documents, transport and else...) just for this interview...
The first "interview" actually is an aptitude assessment, test or whatever, the test take place at OSK main branch located at KL Ampang road, and approximately 50-60 applicants present for the test. The 1st test is comprised by 5 parts, which are English language proficiency, quantitative ability, numbering order, organizing ability and also case handling (question somewhat like given you a scenario, and your decision making on it), and all of it conducted in multiple choice question form (and honestly speaking, it is quite easy answered...compared to another aptitude test from IBM which I did try earlier). Besides, there also few personality tests and have to application form following the aptitude test, and well, that's all for how the first "interview" going.
the HR people told us to wait for another call up for interview (this one is really an interview) if being shortlisted. And the following week I had been called up for that, wow, it is such a exciting moment when I received that phone call. Again, I spent a sum of money again for this interview without hesitation. The HR told me to attend the interview punctual at 9am, but on that day, as there are few more applicants attending the interview as well, unfortunately I had been kept for waiting 2 hours and have my interview only at 11am (what the...). The interview session is 2 stages process, one following another, and each time will have 3 interviewers facing me alone. well, after waiting 2 hours impatiently, I am tired and blur, and thus I had performed quite bad at the 1st stage, which I believed that I had the interviewers have an impression of lack confident in myself. After the 1st stage, I had awake and being warm up, and the following 2nd stage go smoothly and I am satisfy with my performance though not extraordinary.
Questions being asked throughout those interviews included request me to introduce myself, test my willingness to perform something so that see whether I am suit for their organization, and questions like "do you think you are a leader?", "what you like to see yourself in two years time?"...
After the interview, I did not received any notification from OSK, and I had expected that since the interviewers in 1st stage interview had told me to wait for their call (which implied I had little chance being shortlisted as this is the common HR people tactic). Till now, my OSK graduate associate program application status on JobStreet there had been stated as "kept for reference"...not unsuccessful, nor kept for future consideration...what is it mean huh...???
Well, I am temporary not feel like bother their action, as I am ongoing my practical training at my hometown there, which my application for that organization did not even require me to attend any interview plus RM300 allowance per month only...T.T, though this is the case, but it is a nice experience there after I have been working there, coming post I will share my experience on my practical training~
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